Ilya Rolgeyzer boxer

- bouts
- 7
- won
- 3
- lost
- 4
- draw
- 0
- Status
- inactive
- Division
- cruiserweight
- Debut
- 2013-06-21
- Height
- 6′ 1″/185cm
- Reach
- -
- Age
- -
- Born
- 1989-02-08
- Death
- -
- Nationality
- Russia
Date | Opponent | Last Opponents' Results | Place | Result |
2016-11-25 | Vladimir Kelesh | WWW | Korston Club, Moscow | LOST Unanimous decision |
2016-02-13 | Aleksei Papin | W | Boxing & Gym Academy, Moscow | LOST Corner retirement |
2015-12-23 | Maksim Vlasov | WWWWLW | Volta Club, Moscow | LOST Technical knockout |
2015-08-22 | Andrei Kniazev | WWLWWL | Yubileyniy Sports Palace, Voronezh | LOST Unanimous decision |
2014-04-25 | Roman Mirzoev | WLLWLL | Dynamo Palace of Sports in Krylatskoye, Moscow | WIN Unanimous decision |
2013-12-21 | Ruslan Semenov | LLLLWW | Dynamo Palace of Sports in Krylatskoye, Moscow | WIN Unanimous decision |
2013-06-21 | Igor Pylypenko | LLLLLL | Dynamo Palace of Sports in Krylatskoye, Moscow | WIN Split-decision |