Tony Badea pugile

Tony Badea pugile
super welterweight
5′ 10″/178cm
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Tony "Bad Boy" Badea (born 2 May 1974) is a Romanian Canadian retired professional boxer.Badea competed as welterweight, light middleweight, middleweight and super middleweight between the 1990s and 2000s. He won the Canada Welterweight title, Canada Light Middleweight title, International Boxing Organization (IBO) Inter-Continental light middleweight title, and Commonwealth Super Welterweight title, his professional fighting weight varied from .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}143+1⁄2 lb (65.1 kg; 10 st 3.5 lb), i.e. welterweight to 165 lb (75 kg; 11 st 11 lb), i.e. super middleweight.Badea was born in Romania and immigrated to Edmonton, Alberta in Canada when he was 16 years old. He is the son of Virgil Badea who was the light middleweight boxing Champion of Romania in 1961.From 2002 until 2007, his career was interrupted because of his problems with alcoholism and drug use. In December 2007 he was found by a biker in a ditch, covered in snow, the biker announced the Gendarmery. The Gendarmery officer took Tony in the shelter for the poor across the road. Badea worked at the shelter's kitchen and followed a rehabilitation program. After he ended his career with three last fights in 2008, he worked in a bakery where he met his wife Jody who gave birth to his daughter, Olivia.

Data Avversario Ultimi risultati degli avversari Luogo Risultato
2008-06-20 Kris Andrews WWLWWL Shaw Conference Centre, Edmonton LOST
2008-05-16 Claudio Ortiz LLLLLL Italian Cultural Centre, Edmonton WIN
2008-03-28 Justin Berger WWLWL Shaw Conference Centre, Edmonton WIN
Technical knockout
2002-07-19 Verno Phillips WWWWLW Yakama Legends Casino, Toppenish LOST
Technical knockout
2002-05-31 Darrell Woods WWLWWL Chinook Winds Casino, Lincoln City LOST
Technical knockout
2001-09-20 Wayne Harris LLWLLL Edmonton WIN
Unanimous decision
2001-01-23 Richard Williams WWWWWW Leisure Centre, Crawley LOST
Technical knockout
2000-11-17 Gilberto Flores LWWLLL Sala Sporturilor Olympia, Ploiesti WIN
Unanimous decision
2000-06-09 Juan Carlos Candelo WWLLWW Turning Stone Resort & Casino, Verona LOST
Unanimous decision
2000-04-06 Paulo Alejandro Sanchez WLLLLW Air Canada Centre, Toronto WIN
1999-11-19 Gavin Topp DWWWDW Shaw Conference Centre, Edmonton WIN
Unanimous decision
1999-08-12 Mario L'Esperance WLLLDL Slave Lake WIN
Technical knockout
1999-06-24 Manny Sobral WWWWWW Northlands Agricom, Edmonton WIN
1999-02-23 Greg Johnson LDLLLD Edmonton WIN
Corner retirement
1998-04-21 Aaron McLaurine LLWLWW Edmonton WIN
Unanimous decision
1998-02-13 Greg Johnson LWLDLL Edmonton WIN
Technical knockout
1997-06-12 Manny Sobral WWWWWW Mayfield Inn, Edmonton LOST
1997-03-27 Anthony Ivory LLLWLW Convention Centre, Edmonton WIN
Unanimous decision
1997-02-13 James Stokes LLLLWL The Aladdin, Las Vegas WIN
1996-12-15 Jeff Johnson LWLLLW Edmonton WIN
Unanimous decision
1996-10-07 Derrick Coleman LWLLLD Convention Centre, Edmonton WIN
Technical knockout
1996-08-29 Derrick Coleman LLWLLL International Plaza Hotel, Toronto DRAW
1996-04-19 Fitz Vanderpool WWWWLL Agricom, Edmonton LOST
Technical knockout
1996-01-25 Bryon Mackie WWWWWL Convention Inn South, Edmonton WIN
Unanimous decision
1995-12-07 Phil Clarson WLW Fort McMurray WIN
Technical knockout
1995-10-25 Dezi Ford WWWWLW Mayfield Inn, Edmonton WIN
Unanimous decision
1995-08-14 Alan Harper WLWWWW Italian Cultural Centre, Edmonton WIN
Technical knockout
1995-06-27 Darrell Cottrell LLLLWL Convention Centre, Edmonton WIN
Technical knockout
1995-04-28 Ron Pasek LWDWWD Convention Centre, Edmonton WIN
Unanimous decision
1995-03-31 Tracy Anderson LLLL Burnaby NC
1995-02-24 Brian Ramsden WWDLL Convention Centre, Edmonton WIN
Technical knockout
1995-01-26 Chris Coleman debut Italian Cultural Centre, Edmonton WIN
Technical knockout
1994-12-09 Rob Stowell LLWWLL Convention Centre, Edmonton WIN
Technical knockout
1994-10-21 Terry Fowler WWWLLL Convention Centre, Winnipeg WIN
Technical knockout
1994-09-15 Darren Kenny debut Convention Centre, Edmonton WIN
1994-03-22 Mike Kennedy W Convention Centre, Edmonton WIN
Technical knockout