Benny Kaufman (Battling Flink) боксёр

Benny Kaufman боксёр
5′ 5″/165cm

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Дата Противник Последние результаты соперников Место Результат
1922-03-25 Johnny Campi LLLLLL National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1922-02-22 Tommy Boyle LDL Bijou Theater, Philadelphia DRAW
1920-03-27 Jack Cullen debut National A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1920-02-13 Frankie Burns WWWWLW Grand View Auditorium, Jersey City LOST
1919-11-19 Frankie McCarthy DLDLWL Union League, Philadelphia WIN
1919-03-22 Patsy Johnson WLLWWL National A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1918-08-31 Frankie Conway WWWDLW National A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1918-06-21 Joey Leonard WWWLW Penns Grove LOST
1918-05-20 Joey Leonard LWDWW Olympia A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1918-04-20 Toughy Murray LLWLDL National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1917-11-16 Johnny Morgan LWDLLW Cambria A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1917-07-18 Gussie Lewis WWWWWL Shibe Park, Philadelphia LOST
1917-05-29 Battling Lahn LWLWD Carsonia Park Casino, Reading WIN
1917-03-08 Kid Williams WWWLWL Monumental Theater, Baltimore LOST
Technical knockout
1917-01-29 Dick Loadman WDWWDW Olympia A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1917-01-01 Louisiana LLLDWL Olympia A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1916-11-30 Young Terry McGovern DWWWWW Olympia A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1916-11-13 Dick Loadman LWWLLW Olympia A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1916-10-02 Kid Williams WWWWWW Olympia A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1916-09-04 Johnny Ertle DWLWWW Olympia A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1916-06-05 Frankie Brown DDLWWW Olympia A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1916-05-22 Nate Jackson LLWWWL Olympia A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1916-04-24 Lew Tendler WWLDWL Olympia A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1916-04-03 Lew Tendler WWWLDW Olympia A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1916-02-08 Young Sandow DLLLL Auditorium, Reading WIN
1916-01-29 Eddie Miller WDLD National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1915-12-25 Al Shubert WDWWWD New Bedford LOST
1915-12-15 Al Shubert WWDWWW Providence DRAW
1915-12-04 Willie Jackson WWWWLD National A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1915-12-02 Joe O'Neill WWWW Broadway A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1915-10-21 Jimmy Toland LLWLLL Broadway A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1915-10-01 Lew Stinger LLWLWW National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1915-09-24 Johnny Solzberg DWLDW National A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1915-08-23 Johnny Lincoln LLLLLL Broadway A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1915-08-09 Al Nash WDDLLW Broadway A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1915-06-24 Al Lipman debut Gayety Theater, Philadelphia WIN
1915-06-22 Steve Kid Sullivan LLLDDL Gayety Theater, Philadelphia WIN
1915-06-03 Lew Stinger WWDLLW Broadway A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1915-05-20 Frankie White LDDWWL Broadway A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1915-04-10 Eddie Wagond LWWLLD National A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1915-04-08 Leo Tracey WDDWLD Broadway A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1915-02-08 Dick DeSanders WLLWWL Waldemeier Hall, Pittsburgh WIN
1915-01-30 Young Tommy O'Toole LLWLLW Coliseum A.C., Wilkes-Barre DRAW
1914-12-22 Fighting Bob Givler LDWWWL Norristown WIN
1914-12-04 George KO Chaney WWWWWW People's Theater, Cincinnati LOST
1914-11-11 Dutch Brandt WLWDLL Momumental Theater, Baltimore LOST
1914-10-07 Kid Whitten DDLWWW Momumental Theater, Baltimore WIN
1914-08-31 Johnny Piazzi LLWLWW Olympia A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1914-05-18 KO Mars WWWWWW Columbus LOST
1914-03-30 Young Goldie WLLWLL Goodale Arena, Columbus WIN
1914-03-16 Willie Jones DWWWW Cincinnati WIN
1914-02-23 Frankie Conley LWWLLD Goodale Arena, Columbus WIN
1914-02-02 Patsy Brannigan WLLWLW Goodale Arena, Columbus WIN
1914-01-15 Preston Brown WWWWWL Broadway A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1913-12-13 Nat Young Brooks WLLWLW Wonderland, Paris LOST
1913-10-20 Johnny Mayo LLLLWW Olympia A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1913-09-15 Gene Delmont WDLDWW Olympia A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1913-06-19 Jimmy Coster WWLLLW Broadway A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1913-05-13 Stanley Scully WLLWWW Fairmont A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1913-04-15 Abe Attell DLDLWW Orpheum Theater, Atlanta NC
No Contest
1913-01-15 Jerry Dalton WWDWW Auditorium, Indianapolis DRAW
1913-01-11 Johnny Creeley LLWLLW Old City Hall, Pittsburgh WIN
1912-11-28 Danny McCabe LLLLDW Nonpareil A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1912-09-16 George Kirkwood LDWWWW Madison Square Garden, New York LOST
1912-05-29 Joe Goldberg WDWWWW Rochester DRAW
1912-05-11 Johnny Mayo WWWLWW National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1912-05-06 Young Dyson WWWWWL New Bedford A.A., New Bedford DRAW
1912-04-29 Tommy Houck LDWWLL Knickerbocker A.C., Albany LOST
1912-04-01 Johnny Albanese WLLDLW Columbus WIN
1912-03-19 Tommy O'Dare WLLLLD Douglas A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1912-02-06 George Kirkwood WWWDDL West Oakland Club, Oakland LOST
1912-01-08 Joe Clark DLWWWW Old City Hall, Pittsburgh DRAW
1911-12-26 Kid Hogan WLDWWD Old City Hall, Pittsburgh WIN
1911-12-25 Harry Thomas LDWWWW National A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1911-12-09 Young Rector LLLWWL Brown's Gym, New York LOST
1911-11-21 Joe Clark LWWLWW Wilkes-Barre WIN
1911-11-10 Tommy O'Toole LDDWWL Nonpareil A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1911-07-31 Joe Mandot WWWWWW Southern A.C., Memphis LOST
1911-04-29 Joe Coster WWWLLW National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1911-03-30 Young Dyson WLLWDW Providence WIN
1911-03-14 Young Dyson LWWDWL Armory, Boston WIN
1911-02-26 Charley White LDWWLL Columbus DRAW
1911-01-14 Eddie Carr WLDLWL National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1911-01-07 Patsy Kline WDWWLD American A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1911-01-02 Happy Davis WWWWWW Douglas A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1910-12-27 Ed Sweeney W Brown's Gym, New York LOST
1910-12-16 Tommy Rawson Sr LLWWWW Rhode Island A.C., Thornton WIN
1910-12-13 Al Delmont DDLWWD Armory, Boston WIN
1910-11-26 Patsy Kline LWWDWW National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1910-11-24 Johnny Kilbane WWDLL Akron LOST
1910-11-02 Young Dyson LDWWWD Rhode Island A.C., Thornton WIN
1910-10-18 Patsy Kline LWLLWW Albaugh Theater, Baltimore DRAW
1910-09-29 Johnny Kilbane DWWWD Old City Hall, Pittsburgh WIN
1910-09-09 Joe Phillips LDWLWW Albaugh Theater, Baltimore DRAW
1910-08-29 Patsy Kline WLWLWL Albaugh Theater, Baltimore WIN
1910-08-26 Young Pierce DLWDDL Frankford A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1910-08-19 Bobby Scanlon LLDLWL Frankford A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1910-08-09 Paddy Bedley WLWDWW Douglas A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1910-07-20 Jimmy Livingstone LWWDLL Gayety Theater, Philadelphia WIN
Technical knockout
1910-07-13 Whitey Baker LLDDLL Gayety Theater, Philadelphia WIN
1910-06-17 Boyo Driscoll DWDLLL Nonpareil A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1910-06-15 Handsome Charlie Smith WWDDWW Gayety Theater, Philadelphia WIN
1910-05-31 Bobby Scanlon DLLDLW Douglas A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1910-05-16 Kid Griffo WWDWDL West End A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1910-05-14 Bobby Williams WWDLWD National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1910-04-18 Kid Lenny WWWDDL Armory, Harrisburg WIN
1910-04-09 Bobby Williams DLWDWW National A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1910-04-05 Henry Miers DWWDLL Armory, Boston WIN
1910-04-01 Whitey Baker WLLDD Nonpareil A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1910-03-19 Jimmy Flynn DWWLDL National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1910-03-14 Joe Thiel LWWWWW Willis A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1910-03-11 Eddie Gillespie WLW National A.C., Brooklyn WIN
1910-02-08 Bobby Williams DWDDLW Easton DRAW
1910-01-15 Joe Thiel WWWWDL National A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1909-12-20 Mike Malone WDWLWD West End A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1909-12-07 Eddie Smith DLWWW Douglas A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1909-11-22 Bobby Williams DDDLDW New Philadelphia A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1909-10-30 Biz Mackey LDLLLL National A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1909-10-19 Young Pierce WWWWWW Douglas A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1909-10-02 Kid Henry DWDLLW National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
Technical knockout
1909-09-28 Biz Mackey WWLDLL Douglas A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1909-09-08 Bobby Williams DDWDDD New Philadelphia A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1909-09-03 Kid Beebe WLDLDL Nonpareil A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1909-08-25 Willie Gibbs LWLDDD New Philadelphia A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1909-06-22 Kid Beebe DDLDDW Douglas A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1909-06-19 Joe Ferguson WWWLDD National A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1909-06-09 Young Sammy Smith WLWWWW National A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1909-04-03 Bobby Williams WLWWDW National A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1909-03-29 Harry Brady DWWLWD Washington S.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1909-03-22 Jack Shelton LL Washington S.C., Philadelphia WIN
1909-03-18 Tommy Lynch LDLDDW Hiland Theater, Pittsburgh WIN
1909-03-13 Jack Shelton L National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1909-02-25 Young Donahue WLDLDD Reading DRAW
1909-02-15 Kid Beebe WWWDWD Sunbury DRAW
1909-02-09 Kid Henry DLWLDW Harrisburg DRAW
1909-01-29 Mike Malone LWLWDL Nonpareil A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1909-01-19 Young Jack Hanlon DWWDDL Reading A.C., Reading WIN
1908-12-15 Kid Donohue debut Reading A.C., Reading WIN
1908-12-09 Mike Malone WWWLWL National A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1908-12-05 Jeff Gaffney DDDLLL National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1908-10-30 Dave O'Neil debut State A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1908-10-09 Chick (Kid) Rose DLW National A.C., Brooklyn DRAW
1908-09-26 Charley Goldman DWDLDW Tucker A.C., New York DRAW
1908-09-24 Joe Bailey debut Roman A.C., New York WIN
Technical knockout
1908-09-04 Young Crosta LLDWDW Ontario A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1908-07-14 Kid Beebe WLLDWW Douglas A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1908-06-09 Young Dixon W Douglas A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1908-05-20 Young Dixon debut Douglas A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1908-05-12 Chuck O'Connell WWLW Bijou Theater, Philadelphia WIN
Technical knockout
1908-04-21 Willie Jones DWDD New Amsterdam Opera House, New York LOST
1908-04-11 Frank Madole DWDWDW National A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1908-04-03 Patsy Gallagher L Ontario A.C., Philadelphia WIN
Technical knockout
1908-01-24 Harry Brady LWLLLD Industrial Hall, Philadelphia DRAW
1908-01-06 Jimmy Rose debut Spring Garden A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1907-12-24 Jimmy Livingstone DWWLWL Bijou Theater, Reading LOST
1907-12-23 Mike Malone LLWDLD Spring Garden A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1907-12-10 Harry Brady WLWLLL Bijou Theater, Reading DRAW
1907-12-07 Patsy Kline WWWLWW National A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1907-12-02 Young Jack O'Brien WWWWWD Spring Garden A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1907-11-23 Willy McCarron W National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1907-11-19 Harry Brady DWLWLL Bijou Theater, Reading WIN
1907-11-11 Jimmy Livingstone WLDLDL Lyceum Theater, Philadelphia LOST
1907-10-08 Charley Harvey WWDDWW Bijou Theater, Philadelphia LOST
1907-07-08 Jimmy Livingstone LLDDWL Washington S.C., Philadelphia LOST
1907-07-01 Johnny Jones W Washington S.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1907-06-28 Jimmy Livingstone DLLDDW Powelton A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1907-06-14 Young Jack Hanlon DLDLDL Powelton A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1907-06-01 Danny Mooney L National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1907-05-18 John Weiss debut National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1907-05-13 Shine Brown WWLWLL Spring Garden A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1907-05-10 Jimmy Kane LLLWWL New Penn Art A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1907-05-03 Young McMahon LWLL New Penn Art A.C., Philadelphia WIN
Technical knockout
1907-04-08 Ace of Spades WLLLWW Spring Garden A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1907-03-12 Hugh McCann WLDLWL Manayunk A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1907-01-18 Ace of Spades LDWWLL Wayne A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1906-12-17 Ace of Spades WLDWWL Keystone A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1906-10-18 Reddy Moore DWWWWW Lancaster A.C., Lancaster LOST
1906-09-07 Hugh McCann WLDLD National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1906-07-27 Hugh McCann WLLWL National A.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1906-07-19 Jimmy Livingstone WWWLWL Broadway A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1906-07-16 Hugh McCann WWLLW National A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1906-06-04 Kid Peerless LDLLLL Washington S.C., Philadelphia DRAW
1906-06-02 Chicago Kid debut Quaker City A.C., Philadelphia WIN
Technical knockout
1906-05-22 Kid Coffey LLLDLL 20th Century A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1906-05-08 Tommy Corbett debut 20th Century A.C., Philadelphia LOST
1906-05-04 Tommy O'Neil debut 20th Century A.C., Philadelphia NC
No Contest
1906-04-20 Ike Conway DLLWWW 20th Century A.C., Philadelphia WIN
1906-04-18 Eddie Wallace LWDDLL Lancaster A.C., Lancaster LOST

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